Thursday, February 18, 2010

Friday 19th Feb

Fuckety fuckety fuck fuck FUCK!!!! IT'S FUCKED! I had a moment of stepping back from the immediate concerns today and realising how fucked it all is. Everything to do with this 'my daughter has died' situation is soooooooo fucked. FUCKED I TELL YOU! FUUUUUUUUUCKED!!

The awful feeling I get first thing in the morning when I wake and remember Salome is dead is fucked. The anxious /dread feeling I then get as it gets closer to 6.55 am (the time of day she was declared dead, when I half want the moment to pass because it is awful coming up to it but then i don't want it to pass because then I am one more day away from seeing her gorgeous little face) is fucked. Seeing Matt so distressed and exhausted is fucked. Hearing X reassure me that "Salome is still in bed in heaven and she hasn't got up yet, but when she does Nanna or someone else will breastfeed her" is fucked. Having K sit on my lap and poke my still-swollen tummy and say "Are you sure our baby isn't still in there?" is fucked...... I could go on, as you could imagine. A litany of fuckedness.

Meanwhile it is K's birthday next Wednesday, and we need to make it a celebration for all of us. Today I will look at hiring people to attend. I can find clowns for hire, I can find magicians for hire, even reptiles, but nowhere can I find balanced happy parental figures for hire. I think I'll go with the reptiles.


  1. Me, too, I'd go with the reptiles. Cold blooded is good.

    Sometimes we can't do balanced, happy parental figures. Anyone can be balanced and happy - but only you and Matt can be their real, loving parents, and its obvious how much you are loved and appreciated by your children and by us.
